00420776105670, 00420603288571
Advice and representation in the field of insolvency and insolvency proceedings
Preparation of insolvency petitions and applications for insolvency proceedings
Do you need to settle your debts to creditors or, conversely, receivables from your debtors?
Our services include assistance in resolving your debts or receivables. We provide professional legal services, we process high-quality insolvency applications, receivables applications or proposals for alternative solutions according to the circumstances of the case.
According to the valid wording of the Insolvency Act, debtors can save up to 70% of the total receivables registered in insolvency proceedings and thus pay themselves off permanently.
If, on the other hand, you are a creditor, we will help you with the recovery of receivables, ie including communication with executors or the insolvency administrator and the court in monetizing the debtor's assets and satisfying the debtor's creditors.
Whether you are in the position of a debtor or a creditor, good legal advice can be very important for you at any stage of the settlement of a claim or debt, ie both before the start of insolvency proceedings and during or after the insolvency proceedings.